Ways to Give – How to Support Sheltering Arms

Your donations allow us to acquire the tools and technology and to build the programs that have helped our patients recover abilities and conquer challenges once thought impossible. It is an honor to help people find the power to overcome some of life’s greatest challenges.

If you would like to make a one-time or recurring online donation, please visit our donation page by clicking the button below.

Donation Mailing Address: One-time Gift

If you would like to send a check, please mail it, made payable to Sheltering Arms Foundation (or Sheltering Arms Hospital for IRA gifts), to:

Sheltering Arms Foundation
Post Office Box 91758
Richmond, VA 23291-1758

For any questions, or to make a donation by phone, please contact Michael Greene-Russell:
Phone: 804-342-4141
Email: [email protected]


If you would like to make a gift in honor or memory of someone, please note the person’s name in the memo line of your check. Checks should be made payable to Sheltering Arms Foundation. If possible, please include family contact and family address so we can notify them of your gift. Dollar amounts are not shared. You can also make this gift online by using the tribute information.


Increase your giving power! Did you know that some organizations have a matching gift program and can double or triple your gift to a non-profit organization? Check with your employer’s human resource department to see if they will match your recent gift to Sheltering Arms.

Sheltering Arms Team Member Giving

As a team member of Sheltering Arms, you have many ways to give back. You can make a one-time or monthly gift, but two of the easiest ways to give are through flextime or payroll deduction. Your donation will come directly from your paycheck. Contact Michael Greene-Russell at [email protected] or Lisa Resch [email protected] they would be glad to help you get started.


Giving securities is an easy and tax-wise way to giveYou can contact your financial advisor or representatives from Davenport for more information and guidance.


Name of Receiving DTC Brokerage Firm: Davenport & Company

Account # DA4002915
DTC #0443
Account Name: Sheltering Arms Foundation

Broker: Mary Davis | 804-780-2107
[email protected]

Asst.: Kim Skowysz  | 804-915-2791
[email protected]


Individual Retirement Account (IRA) owners over age 70½ may make a transfer of up to $100,000 per year to qualified charities. IRA charitable rollovers are tax-free and not included in adjusted gross income. An IRA charitable rollover may fulfill part or all of your required minimum distribution (RMD). Please work with your tax advisor to learn more information about qualified charitable distributions.

If you choose to make an IRA gift, please make checks payable to “Sheltering Arms Foundation” and notify us of your intent to give so we may process it properly:

Phone: 804.342.4141
Email: [email protected]


Planned gifts allow your values to continue beyond your lifetime. Planned gifts are typically made through your will or estate plans to benefit Sheltering Arms Foundation after you are gone. Provide hope for the future with a legacy gift.


Contact the Foundation to learn how your business or corporation can be a sponsor at our annual Power to Overcome Celebration

Third Party Fundraising

Monthly gifts of any size make an ongoing impact on Sheltering Arm’s mission while providing convenient scheduling options. It is also an easy way to budget and structure your philanthropy.


Contact Elyse Hunsicker at [email protected] or (804) 342-4129 for more information. You can also sign up to become a volunteer now!


Sharing your patient or caregiver journey/experience at Sheltering Arms is a way to give back, say thank you or inspire and encourage others.

Contact The Sheltering Arms Foundation

Fill out the form below or give us a call at 804-342-4141.